
New Dedicated Server

July 26, 2013

Spangoria is now running on its own dedicated server in a dark corner of my basement. It's a much older machine than the one it was running on before, but so far, it seems like it's performing well. If you notice any odd behavior or poor performance, let me know in the comments.

Thanks to
 Its_n8_son for his donation of 4 gigs of RAM for the new server!
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Major Downtime

June 17, 2013

That was my nickname in college.

I'm getting trees, irrigation and sod put in all week this week, so I will be preemptively unplugging the cable line outside on-and-off over the next few days so the sloppy yard crews don't cut the line again. Expect some faily large outages during business hours this week.
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New Stats Module

June 14, 2013

Check out the Stats page: player activity over the past 7 days.

i feel like ya'll are peeking in my underpants drawer...!
June 17, 2013
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Massive Downtime

June 06, 2013

Yesterday afternoon, a skid loader was pushing dirt around in my back yard and ran over and sliced the cable line in four different places. Sorry for the 24 hours downtime. Trust me, I feel the pain of your withdrawal.
June 06, 2013
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Immigration Update

May 23, 2013

Please welcome Spangoria's two newest residents,
 GalenHig and
 ellsworth77!  If you haven't yet given them the meat slap initiation, please do so IMMEDIATELY.
Relic and I have double teamed ellsworth... GalenHig is next...
May 23, 2013
...if I wanted a kiss I woulda asked your mother...
May 26, 2013
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Server is Back Home

May 23, 2013

I finally completed the [IRL] move-in to the new house and the PC is set up. I've reclaimed control of the server from
 Its_n8_son, who generously hosted Spangoria during the move. Thank you Nate!!!

If any of you experience performance issues that you were not experiencing over the past few weeks when Nate was hosting, please post those issues in the comments here.
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হাই, আমি আপনার মূল্য জানতে চেয়েছিলাম.
Hi, roeddwn i eisiau gwybod eich pris.
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